Amanda Coogan
The Chase
16th May 2017

3rd Classes

In these workshops, performance artist Amanda Coogan and participating children used costume, props, music and gesture to create wildly imaginative performances that took place in the garden.

Amanda started her workshop by showing the children some images of her work, bringing attention to the use of costume and props to create character. She told the children how she made these costumes and props herself. She introduced the idea of gesture or 'action' through 'dabbing', a move that all the students knew well. She then played Bach’s Harpsichord Concerto in D minor and asked them what kind of scenes the music evoked in their imagination. Prompting them with questions such as 'Where is it? Is it a forest? What's happening?', themes of jeopardy and pursuit emerged: animals being chased by a king who wanted to eat them, animals running from the pound, the titanic; witches, wizards, ninjas, fairies, robbers - all chasing through the forest. Within the classroom and garden each of the two classes alternatively created an installation of a mountain and a river; and a series of vivid costumes. Performances took place in the garden. Amanda gave opportunity for free-play as a way of facilitating the imaginative process.



'I loved it! It was so much fun making costumes and when we went outside and acted. We saw what Amanda made. It helped me learn how to plan and work with my friend without arguing.'

- 3rd Class student, 9

'I liked it because we were creative and I really like art. I used my mind a lot' 

- 3rd Class student, 9

'I learned that art takes you a lot of days but it is fun'

- 3rd Class student, 9

'I learned that art is not about perfectness' 

- 3rd Class student, 9

'I liked taking part because we got really creative. I learned that people enjoy that kind of art'

- 3rd Class student, 9

'I loved the art workshop. I liked the part where we got to go outside and act. I liked every single thing and I learned how to make a ninja suit'

- 3rd Class student, 9
