The new film below, documents some of the processes and outcomes of Siobhan McGibbon’s artist-residency at Scoil Chroi Iosa in Galway. Siobhan and a group of Third Class children worked together over 9 sessions using the scientific research that informs Siobhans’s own practice as a starting point in the creation of their own imaginative works that blended science fiction and science fact. The resulting artworks were exhibited in Galway Arts Centre in October 2018, as part of Baboro International Children’s Arts Festival.
Also featured is The Art & Philosophy programme with education curator Katy Fitzpatrick and professor in the philosophy of education Aislinn O’Donnell, who worked with the children and Siobhan to open up these complex ideas and themes further. Some of the original group were joined by two new groups of students from Claddagh NS, Galway.
Duration of film - 11 minutes.
Videographer - Louise Manifold.